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Monday 25 February 2008

The Nasty Party

25th Feb 2008

In case any of you were ever in any doubt, the Tories really haven't changed. David Cameron's efforts to seem greener, more women and race friendly and generally nicer, cannot disguise the real Conservative Party.

The following blog posted on the Conservative Home website is proof, if ever it were needed.

"Posted by: James Burdett 20 February 2008 at 15:16 Peter Franks @1351. ---

Dan Hannan is a true Tory and he now joins that other true Conservative MEP, Roger Helmer.

The trouble is that the majority of our MEPs are NOT true Tories at all and many of them should be expelled from the Conservative Party, not given 'safe-passages' back to their lush posts where they do untold damage to Britain.And heaven help us if Caroline Jackson - married to a Tory MEP who defected to Labour - were used as a template for more women MEPs. CJ: is a classic example of why quotas and preferential selection are a disaster. We just need the best people".

You may be interested to know that Caroline Jackson is the Tories' only women MEP and she is standing down at the European elections next year. She is, in addition, a very conscientious MEP who has contributed a great deal to the European Parliament. If the Tories had more representatives like Caroline, they may become a bit nicer and a lot more influential.

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